UX Work


Setting the Scene


Supply risk chain management company that connects organizations with vetted and qualified suppliers


Cloud-based commercial marketplace platform


Workplaces that need greater visibility into better safety practices


The platform provides the management of qualified suppliers, contractors and vendors

The Problem

  • Lack of urgency for risk management planning (more reactive than proactive)

  • Vetting a qualified supplier

  • Staying up to date with compliance standards

  • Showcasing the overall value of Avetta

Core Team

Account Director

SEO Specialist

Design Researcher

UX Designer

Content Writer

Visual Designers


Select Deliverables

The Solution

The inclusion of messaging that better communicates the
value of supply risk chain management
“Companies need to be thoughtful about the future. We have to think globally, I want to see the global world view in their philosophy.”
Prospective Client
Servicing multiple audience groups though segmentation, content curation and personalization
“Our challenge is trying to get our procurement team sourcing more engaged.”
Current Client
The inclusion of messaging that better communicates the value of supply risk chain management


“The fact that it takes us so long to find the right contractor, we’re probably losing so much money just vetting contractors. [Avetta’s services] would be very helpful”
Prospective Client

Next Steps

Continue to access website engagement (Analytics & search keywords)

Provide a more unified experience through segmentation and personalization

Produce more strategic ways to showcase the value of their platform & early adoption